FAQ – Visitor’s Center

We’ve put together a hot list of popular questions our friends typically ask us before coming to Missouri. While we’d love to host everyone, be their tour guide and show them all the things there are to do, we know we can’t. So we try and provide all the information they might need to get the most out of their visit. We’ll be adding new ones all the time so keep checking back.

Missouri is widely considered an affordable travel destination in the United States due to several factors. A large number of budget-friendly motels and campgrounds exist before you even need to consider mid-range hotels and vacation rentals. The wide range of choices provides options for various budgets. Dining is diverse, with local diners, barbecue joints, and casual restaurants offering affordable meals.

Many of Missouri’s attractions and activities are reasonably priced or even free. We love visiting our state parks and hiking trails because they often have nominal entrance fees. The museums, historical sites, and cultural attractions frequently offer discounts for children, seniors, and students.

Outdoor Enthusiasts Love Missouri

Outdoor enthusiasts can enjoy activities like hiking, fishing, camping, and exploring natural wonders without overspending. Missouri hosts numerous festivals and events that we cover thoroughly in this blog, many of which are low-cost or free, allowing you all to experience local culture, music, and food without breaking the bank.

While transportation costs may vary depending on which region you are traveling from, Missouri is accessible by car or plane, with major airports and well-maintained highways. Keep in mind that costs can vary based on your preferences, itinerary, and the time of year you visit. Larger cities like St. Louis and Kansas City may have higher expenses for lodging and dining, especially during peak seasons or special events.

Plan Ahead

To make your trip to Missouri budget-friendly, plan ahead, look for deals and discounts that we come across, and explore affordable attractions and activities that align with your interests. With careful planning, you can enjoy a cost-effective visit to our diverse and welcoming state.

The population in Missouri has been steadily climbing every year for the past 40 years. The state typically nets a gain of 15,000 new residents per year. When calculating which city has the highest population within the city limits, Kansas City’s population of 509,315 residents comes out on top easily ahead of a St. Louis population of 296,262.

However, if you consider the number of folks residing in the metro area of Missouri’s cities, St. Louis metro takes a slim lead with a total population of just over 2.8 million putting them ahead of the 2.3 million folks living in the Kansas City metro area. Springfield comes in 3rd with a metro total of just under 500,000.

For a number of years, that title continues to be placed on The Gateway Arch. The “arch” is an iconic symbol of St. Louis and the United States. Visitors can pay a moderate fee to take one of the elevator pods to the top of the arch for panoramic views of the city on one side and the Mississippi River on the other. Additionally, the Gateway Arch National Park includes a museum and exhibits that explore the impressive history of westward expansion in the United States. Follow along the journey of Lewis & Clark and their exploring companions including Sacagawea.

Along with the arch, visitor preferences and rankings can change over time, and other attractions in Missouri, such as the St. Louis Zoo, Silver Dollar City amusement park near Branson, and various museums and parks, also draw significant numbers of visitors.

Missouri currently has 91 state parks and historic sites that are under their care and management. However, that number can change over time due to new projects being added or some can no longer be maintained. You can check the official parks website of the Missouri Department of Natural Resources for the most up-to-date information on any changes regarding access, public amenities, events, and scheduled maintenance at state parks throughout the state.

Missouri has been the birthplace of numerous famous and influential celebrities. People often want to know what famous people are from Missouri. The first few that come to mind are known around the world. People like former President Harry S. Truman, and the writers Mark Twain (Samuel Clemens), Langston Hughes, and T.S. Eliot. On-screen entertainers like Jon Hamm, John Goodman, Kathleen Turner, Don Cheadle, Ginger Rogers, and Dick Van Dyke entered the world right here in Missouri. Read our recent post for a Full List of Famous Missourians.

The first Native American nations to inhabit what is now the state of Missouri included the Missouria (from the Great Lakes area), Osage, Kickapoo, Shawnee, Delaware, and Illini tribes from further east. These indigenous peoples had established settlements in the region long before European exploration and colonization.

The Osage, in particular, were one of the most prominent tribes in the area, known for their hunting and warrior traditions. Their presence in Missouri dates back centuries, and their influence on the region’s history and culture was significant. As with most states in the midwest, as European settlers arrived in the area, interactions with these indigenous nations led to changes in their ways of life and displacement from their ancestral lands.

The best months to visit Missouri largely depend on your preferences and the kind of experience you’re seeking. However, spring and fall are the seasons we prefer.

Spring (April to June): This season brings on the blooming flowers, and pleasant temperatures, and outdoor events are starting to come alive. The Ozark Mountain region looks great in the spring. The Missouri Botanical Garden in St. Louis is especially beautiful in spring. However, be prepared for occasional rain.

Fall (September to November): Fall in Missouri boasts vibrant foliage colors and pretty comfortable weather. It’s ideal for scenic drives along the state’s winding roads and hiking in the Ozark Mountains. The wine country around Hermann is a great destination during this time.

Summer (June to August) There are tons of family attractions going on and kids are out of school but it can be quite hot and humid. It’s when outdoor festivals and activities are in full swing. Lake activities and theme parks are busting at the seams.

Winter (December to February) can be pretty miserable. It’s cold with occasional snow, making it a quieter season and leaving folks searching for indoor attractions.

Dealing with travel insurance is an essential aspect of trip planning. It involves several crucial steps to ensure a worry-free and well-protected journey.

  1. Research and Compare: Begin by researching reputable travel insurance providers. Compare their coverage options, cost, and customer reviews to determine which plan best suits your needs. Look for coverage that includes medical emergencies, trip cancellations, and lost luggage.
  2. Assess Your Needs: Consider the specifics of your trip. If you’re embarking on an adventure with a higher risk of injury or have expensive non-refundable bookings, prioritize comprehensive coverage. For shorter domestic trips, basic coverage may suffice.
  3. Read the Fine Print: Always scrutinize the policy details. Pay attention to coverage limits, deductibles, and any exclusions. Make sure you understand what is and isn’t covered to avoid surprises during your trip.
  4. Purchase Early: It’s wise to purchase travel insurance as soon as you book your trip. This ensures you’re covered in case an unexpected event forces you to cancel your plans.
  5. Keep Documents Handy: Store your policy details and emergency contact information in a safe, accessible place. Share this information with a trusted person back home.
  6. Stay Informed: Stay updated on travel advisories and be aware of any changes in your destination’s safety or health conditions. Adjust your plans and insurance coverage accordingly.
  7. File Claims Promptly: If you need to make a claim, do so as soon as possible after the incident, providing all necessary documentation.